Message from Representative Director
立ち上げのスタートはお母さん方の涙でした。子どもの困難に気づいた瞬間から1人で思い悩み、出来る事を探し、自分の事を考える間もなく不安を抱える母親の涙。その涙を分かち合い、助け合うために始めた放課後等デイサービス事業。たくさんの皆さんの協力で出来上がったspace Kid’sは、これからもずっと子供たちの笑顔あふれる居場所であり続けます。
A place where people needing support can start
First, a place to belong. That’s where support begins.
Mothers’ tears served as our original impetus. From the moment they become aware of their children’s difficulties, mothers shed tears—worrying alone, searching out what to do, gripped by anxieties, without time to think of themselves. These mothers understood each other’s tears and started an after-school daycare service as a way of helping each other. space Kid’s was created through the cooperation of many people, and will always be a place where children can belong, brimming with smiling faces.
代表理事 田村圭子
A bridge between society and people
aiming for true independence
Creating a business. And providing continuing support.
“Person with a disability” is just a generic term for people with handicaps. Each such individual has a name, personality, hopes, and dreams—just like everyone else. By treating each person as an individual, one comes to see there are many things they can do, and how each of their abilities can be put to use. Thinking in this way is not a duty or a responsibility, but for those of us who have been involved since these people were young children, it is a great joy. However, without cooperation from corporations, support for creating businesses is not possible. The idea is to create work, not divide it to make it easier. By serving as the bridge between the supporter and supported sides we will create a new society together. That is our next step.
Representative Director Keiko Tamura
団体名の由来 Origin of the name of our organization
An abbreviation of Consistency
We help people with difficulties find a placewhere they belong,
and provide assistance so they can be truly independent.
Corporate Profile
- 団体名
- 一般社団法人CIS
- 住所
- 〒165-0031 東京都中野区上鷺宮4-6 -20イサカビル2F
- 電話
- 03-5848-9005
- 03-5848-9006
- 役員
代表理事 田村 圭子
理 事 長野 巨和
理 事 阿保 陽子
- Company Name
- General Incorporated Association CIS
- Address
4-6-20-2F Kamisaginomiya,
Nakano-ku, Tokyo, 165-0031
- 03-5848-9005
- 03-5848-9006
- Director
Representative Director Keiko Tamura
Executive Director Hirokazu Nagano
Executive Director Yoko Abo